It’s weird.

Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about Star Wars. (The original series, of course) I used to be obsessed with it back in the day but slowly my obsession diminished, as my obsessions usually do. I’m not sure what sparked my renewed interest in the series. Perhaps it’s the super awesome Angry Birds Star Wars game that I have played recently. Perhaps it’s the thought of the new Star Wars movie that’s soon to come out. I don’t know what it is but I guess I have made 2 “discoveries” for myself and wanted to share them.

I guess the first thing I realized is just how tragic the Star Wars story is. Looking at the story as a whole (including the prequels) most people would agree that the major story of star wars is the story of Darth Vader. The concept of “Destiny” is something that I have found in most if not all sci-fi stories and Star Wars is no exception. I think a large part of the plots and character development of many successful stories is how a character reacts and deals with his or her “Destiny”.

Anakin/Vader’s destiny (unbeknownst to him) was to bring balance to the force. In the end he did-by killing Emperor Palpatine but he lived a sad and unfulfilling life and his one good deed of killing the emperor ultimately redeemed him to the good side of the force. It seemed that at the moment in Revenge of the Sith when he decided to join the Dark Side, he essentially sold his soul to the devil himself. His entire tenure as the Emporor’s Apprentice from then on is one of obligation and servitude. This isn’t inherently obvious especially since Vader seems to be a sadistic being who enjoys choking people for fun and to instill fear but you definitely see his softer side when it comes to Luke. You also see a bit of his sadness and dissatisfaction with the emperor sprinkled around like such as when he tries to lure Luke to the Dark Side by telling him that he can “Destroy the Emperor” and that they can “Rule the galaxy as father and son.” In the end Vader gives up his own life to save Luke’s and to finally kill the emperor. As he is dying, his last wish is for Luke to remove the mask so that he can look upon his son with his own eyes. When Luke does we see the pitiful figure that was behind the mask of Vader. I guess there is something very touching about it. In that moment we see all the lost potential. In that moment Vader would have given anything to have been able to live and be with his son. Ultimately, his spirit will still live on, but he still probably thinks “What could have been” if he had not turned to the dark side of the force.

I know I probably over think Darth Vader. It’s probably because he’s my favorite Star Wars character. I always believed and still believe that even under that mask, even when he is being sadistic, even when his tough, scary exterior is all that is visible to most people. I still see conflict written all over him. I frequently imagine what expression he is making beneath the mask and what often comes to mind are strong feelings. I may be crazy and I may be imagining things. What do you think?

(I’ll talk about Han Solo next time lol)

2 thoughts on “Star Wars Reminiscing

  1. When a character is well-developed, there’s no such thing as overthinking. (Then again, I’m pretty obsessive too.)

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